A generation before Star Wars: A New Hope...
In a galaxy far, far away, an evil force is gaining strength and threatens an entire civilization. Two courageous Jedi, a young queen, a Gungan outcast, and a slave boy named Anakin, band together to save a planet under attack as the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
The adventure continues with the introduction of these exclusive figures from Star Wars: Episode I! Authentically styled with incredible detail, each fully poseable figure features a realistic costume and accessories to recreate all the excitement of the movie.
Fully Poseable! - Authentically Styled! - With Blaster Rifle! - Some poses nay require hand support. - Ages 4+
New and NRFB. Box has visible wear.
If this is a multiple quantity listing, the images are representative of the package condition you will receive. However, the box/package condition may vary slightly.
All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment.
We ship FAST and Pack with CARE