Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) introduced Lieutenant Ilia, a bald and beautiful Deltan navigator serving aboard the Enterprise. When a mysterious and dangerous alien entity approaches Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the intrepid starship and leads his former crew- along with newcomer Ilia and her former lover, Commander Will Decker-on a mission to confront the unknown power. Once the crew makes contact, however, Ilia is abducted by the entity and replaced on the Enterprise with an identical robotic probe. Saddened by Ilia's dis- appearance, Decker ultimately sacrifices himself and joins with the Ilia Probe in a successful attempt to save the planet.
Handcrafted Dated 2009 - Julie Forsyth Hallmark Keepsake Artist - This special edition ornament was issued in limited quantities and first available at the 2009 Keepsake Ornament Debut event. - For decorative use only
Brand New. Case Fresh! Box is in mint to near mint condition.
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