Inhabitants of the Delta Quadrant, The Borg are a race of humanoids capable of immense combat and technological ability. Their enhanced capabilities are implanted through a cybernetic device. The Borg think as one entity and are incapable of acting in an autonomous manner. A minor breakthrough was made by Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge in dealing with the Borg. LaForge was able to "befriend" a Borg, who has become known as Hugh. Knowing Hugh on a more friendly level allows Starfleet to better understand this complex race. Typically, orders are sent from a centralized mainframe through a complex network, to which each Borg is connected. In addition to their incredible physical strength, the Borg are armed with a deadly cybernetic arm. The cybernetic arm is an adaptable long-range/short-rang laser shooter. It is capable of igniting and completely disintegrating any object in it's path. Some Federation officers have reported viewing the destruction of a whole Starfleet Shuttlecraft due to the Borg's cybernetic arm. The Federation has not been able to study the mechanical structure of the cybernetic arm. Specialists have hypothesized, based on Starfleet Reports, that the arm utilizes highly unstable protomatter to achieve its destructive capability. Encounters with the Borg are discouraged. Observe great caution.
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