This exciting animated action- adventure series tells the story of a young girl, Sailor Moon, and her four high school friends, who become Sailor Scouts when they receive awesome powers from mysterious feline Guardians. Their mission: to fight the never-ending war against evil.
Join Sailor Moon and her loyal friends as they use their special powers to save the world from evil! Each doll has a poseable body, removable outfit, display stand, and beautiful hair you can style. Included is a miniature Cosmic Crescent Wand that looks just like the ones our superheroes use. Collect all your favorite characters!
Adventure Doll! - Collect them all! - Contains: Doll with outfit, stand, and wand. - Ages 3 and up - Irwin 2000
The packaging has wear on the edges and corners in the form of scuffing and crushing / creasing. The plastic display window also has some scuffing. The doll has never been removed from the box.
All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment.
We ship FAST and Pack with CARE