Kamen Rider is a Japanese media franchise that consists of numerous tokusatsu television series that focuses on superheroes that take on various monsters and villains. The series is also known as Masked Rider and is a highly popular brand in Japan with various anime, films, and other media being created based on the franchise.
S.H. Figuarts... Simple style & Heroic action! - Comes with the Apollo Shot, Geist Cutter and interchangeable hands. - Released as a Tamashii Web Exclusive. - Stands approximately 6" tall - For the adult collector, age 14 and over.
Brand new, NRFB. The box has wear and scuffing.
If this is a multiple quantity listing, the images are representative of the package condition you will receive. However, the box/package condition may vary slightly.
All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment.
We ship FAST and Pack with CARE