Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It's the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven Universe, who lives in the fictional town of Beach City with the "Crystal Gems" - Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl - three magical humanoid aliens. Steven, who is half-Gem, goes on adventures with his friends and helps the Gems protect the world from their own kind. Standing about 3 3/4-inches tall, this figure is packaged in a window display box.
Pop! Animation - Steven Universe - Hot Topic Exclusive Pre-Release - no 87 - For ages 14 and up
Brand new, NRFB. Box has some wear. We ship fast and pack with care at We-R-Toys!
NOTE - The images are representative of the package condition you will receive. However, since this is a multiple quantity listing, the box/package condition may vary slightly.