Thomas Wayne, Jr., also known as Owlman, is the eldest son of Gotham's wealthy Wayne family. Motivated by his belief in his parents' mismanagement of their fortune, he orchestrated their murder, along with that of his brother Bruce, though Bruce's death deeply affected him. Adopting the persona of Owlman, Thomas asserted dominance over Gotham by instilling fear and manipulating the city's power structures.
In the new timeline, Owlman's origin differs, with his family's murder remaining unsolved. Embracing nihilism, he builds a power base in Gotham, eliminating enemies and metahumans. Operating from the Owl's Nest in Wayne Tower, Owlman plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the Crime Syndicate's actions, using it to maintain control over Gotham and beyond.
22 Moving parts! - McFarlane Toys - Gold Label Collection - Owlman Forever Evil - Ages 12+
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