Welcome to Springfield, U.S.A. -- home of the Simpsons! Whether freezing your brain with an ice-cold Chutney Squishee at the Kwik-E-Mart, choking down imitation fruit beverages at Springfield Elementary or drowning your sorrows at Moe's, you can't help but drink in the radioactive charm that is Springfield's alone. Yes, a visit to Springfield brings a glow to the heart- that never, ever goes away!
Dr. Hibbert features Intelli-Tronic Voice Activation- just move him around any compatible World of Springfield Interactive Environment to hear him talk - Interactive Dr. Hibbert works with these Interactive Environments: First Church of Springfield. And coming soon: Simpsons Kitchen - Series 6 - Collect all the World of Springfield Interactive Figures! - Collect all the World of Springfield Interactive Environments!
Brand new. From a clean, non-smoking environment. We ship fast and pack with care at We-R-Toys!