ÉOMER with Sword Attack Action
The nephew of King Théoden, Éomer was one of Rohan's mightiest warriors and a captain among the ranks of their fine horsemen. Noble and strong, he lead a patrol of Rohirrim soldiers, defying his uncle, in pursuit of a troop of Orcs and Uruk-hai who violated the borders of their land. Like his sister Eowyn, Éomer despaired at the ailing heath and spirit of the king, and looked upon his aide, the slithering Wormtongue, with barely veiled contempt.
Sword Attack Action - Collect Each Action Figure! - Contains: Éomer with sword - Ages 5 and up - Toy Biz 2002
The product packaging may show some very minor scuffing, creasing, bending, denting or plastic yellowing. Notice: This is a multiple quantity inventory listing. The listing photos are representative of the condition of the item, however, the condition of each box will vary slightly.
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