In a destroyed, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving turtle embarks on a hopelessly dire mission quest to avenge the family he lost. Having to "infiltrate the zone" within the walls of the foot clan-controlled New York City, he steals, fends off cycloptic mousers and battles his way through the city, never losing sight of his mission to get revenge on the man who allegedly murdered his brothers, Oroku Hiroto, the grandson of Shredder!
Brand new. From a clean, non-smoking environment. We ship fast and pack with care at We-R-Toys!
From the hit comic book.
14 points of articulation.
Comes with Don's bo staff, Mikey's nunchaku, Raph's twin sai, and Leo's katanas.
A grappling hook and rope that fasten to his accessory belt is also included.
Packed in a highly collectible Last Ronin branded window box package.