In a galaxy far, far away, an evil force is gaining strength and threatens an entire civilization. Two courageous Jedi, a young queen, a Gungan outcast, and a slave boy named Anakin, band together to save a planet under attack as the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
The adventure continues with this exciting introduction of exclusive figures from Star Wars: Episode I! Authentically styled with incredible detail, each fully poseable figure features a realistic costume and accessories to recreate all the excitement of the movie.
Fully poseable figure! - Authentically styled outfit and accessories! - Action Collection - For Ages 4 and up - Hasbro 1998
The box shows moderate to heavy wear on the edges and corners of the box. There are dents and creases in the flat surfaces, as well as scratches and scuffing. There is residue from a price tag on the front. The figure is in great condition.