The Deep Space Nine station floats at the edge of charted space, an interstellar trading post for explorers traveling through the neighboring Bajoran Wormhole. Starfleet struggles to refurbish Deep Space Nine, which had been abandoned by the Cardassians following their plunder of Bajor. The new Deep Space Nine crew faces the ultimate challenge to restore order and maintain peace ina restless region of space, far from home and the security of Starfleet.
Star Trek
Deep Space Nine
Chief Miles O'Brien Action Figure
Playmates 1993
No. 6204
The package has minor wear and scuffing. Please zoom in on the photos to get the most accurate representation of the item.
Chief Miles O'Brien, Chief Operations Officer of Deep Space Nine
Deep Space Nine Gear: Type II Hand Phaser, Engineering Kit, Laser Drill, Fire Extinguisher.
Hailing all collectors! Individually numbered figures!
Product of Macao. Package printed in China.
Ages 4 and up.
Star Trek