In the world of superheroes, there are few rivalries as legendary as the one between The Green Goblin and Spider-Man. Their fierce and frequent battles across the New York City skies are high-flying, terrifying spectacles of maneuverability and mayhem, and the Goblin's persistent hostility toward Spidey makes him the very definition of "archenemy." He was once simply Norman Osborn- brilliant scientist and father of Peter Parker's best friend, Harry-until an experimental and dangerous drug transformed him into a supervillain. Since then, his sights have been set on destroying Spider- Man, and as he soars atop his glider, hurling taunts and pumpkin bombs at the friendly neighborhood hero, The Green Goblin is truly the face of evil.
Handcrafted Dated 2010 - Robert Chad Hallmark Keepsake Artist - For decorative use only.
Brand New. Case Fresh! Box is in mint to near mint condition.
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