Since 1974, PLAYMOBIL toys, created by Hans Beck, have become a classic throughout children's playrooms, with play themes ranging from a pirate ship to a children's hospital. The beloved play figures with the iconic smile have been produced since then, sparking imaginative play for children all over the world.
The exciting battle between the Knights of Novelmore and the Burnham Raiders continues! Both parties want Invincibus, the magical armor that makes the wearer unbeatable
Until then, the battle wages on as the Burnham Raiders use their gigantic Lava Mine to mine fire rocks for their machines. The clever spy Ramsey and Lord Bertram try to conquer the mine and thwart the Raiders' plans. But they better watch out, because the lava mine is under the protection of Magmathon, a powerful elemental
Magmathon lives in human form in and around the lava mine, where his ability to control the flow of the lava allows him to use it as a dangerous weapon. Ramsey and Lord Bertram need an ingenious plan if they are to capture the lava mines
Join the Novelmore characters Magmathon, Wylie, Lord Bertram Baraton and spy Ramsey Boyd as they face off! In the lava mine, lava stones can be dug out of the ground and removed, while a crossbow with fire arrows provides a strong defense
With their horse-drawn mobile cannon, the Knights of Novelmore can attack quickly. Set also includes a fire dragon, horse, ravens, shields, functioning cannon, and crossbow, fire ammunition, and many other accessories
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