Jean Grey, previously known as Phoenix and Marvel Girl, was the first mutant counseled by Professor Charles Xavier and a member of the original team of Uncanny X-Men. She possesses both telekinetic and telepathic powers, which give her the incredible ability to move objects with her mind, as well as hear the thoughts of others. Presented here, as she appeared in X-Men #53, Jean Grey wears the costume she first wore as a member of the X-Men Gold Team. In a story entitled 'False Fronts', Jean encounters the villain called Onslaught for the first time. He transports her to the astral plane and urges her to prepare for the future when human-mutant relations will reach their ultimate flashpoint. He tells her that her mentor, Charles Xavier wears a 'false front' and is not the emotional puritan she thinks he is because Xavier has repressed every negative emotion he has ever felt. The villain sends her back to the real world with the words 'know my name'. This event was a precursor to the thrilling 'Onslaught' storyline in which Marvel's greatest heroes sacrificed themselves to save the world.
8" Ultra Poseable Figure with Authentic Fabric Costume - Special Collector's Edition - X-Men Children of the Atom - Perfect for any Marvel collector or fan! - Ages 5 & up
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