Bombarded by cosmic rays during an exploration in deep space, Ben Grimm's body underwent an extraordinary transformation. His strength, endurance and durability were boosted to super-human levels and his skin became an orange colored, rock-like armor. As a member of the Fantastic Four, The Thing is a sworn protector against villainy and threats of conquest, but his monsterish appearance has always remained his greatest enemy. Often feeling the need to disguise himself when entering public, Grimm's crude camouflage poorly covers the heart and soul of a true, blue-eyed hero.
Undercover disguise! Super Accessories! - You can remove Thing's clothing. Put pins on stems of glasses in holes on side of head for secure fit. - As seen on the Marvel Action Hour! - Perfect for any Marvel collector or fan! - Ages 5 and up
Factory error packaging. The card is for Namor the Submariner, but the figure and inside label are for The Thing II. The package has some edge wear, creasing and scuffing. The bubble has some denting on the top and bottom.