On a distant planet, a tyrant named Tyros the Terrible encountered the planet-hungry Galactus. Tyros became yet another of Galactus's heralds, charged with the task of finding suitable worlds for his master to devour. His entire body thusly transformed to a living stone-like substance, rendering him nearly invulnerable to bodily harm, Tyros had become Terrax the Tamer! Armed with a cosmic-powered axe, Terrax is emotionless and cruel, intent on aiding his master, regardless of the consequences! Only the Fantastic Four have been able to thwart the ruthless Terrax, who has sworn revenge upon the fabulous quartet at any and all costs!
Space soaring meteor! - Place Terrax on meteor, pull back and release to send him shooting forward! - Includes meteor base & axe! - Perfect for any Marvel collector or fan! - Ages 5 and up
The package has some minor edge wear, creasing and scuffing.