New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzini is the reluctant bearer of the Witchblade, an ancient and mysterious mystical gauntlet that has bonded itself to her. Only one woman in a generation is chosen to bear the enigmatic weapon, but at a great cost, Sara must resist the gauntlet's all-consuming thirst for battle, all the while solving the city's strangest crimes, many of which invariably seem to lead back to the WITCHBLADE!
Witchblade - This package includes the "head & upper torso" of Pitt. - Collect all 6 "Pitt" figures & build your own PITT! - Marvel Toys - Ages 8 and up.
The package has creases, dents, dings, and warping on the back. There is also tearing on the back of the hanger.
All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment.
We ship FAST and Pack with CARE