This enchanting, independent mermaid makes her debut as Aqua Fantasy Ariel, a stunning Collector Doll created in celebration of the long-awaited re-release of Disney's lovable film, The Little Mermaid. Her slender gown is an inspiration in deep hues of aqua and blue, beaded with faux pearls and starfish. Shimmering pleated organza cascades around the asymmetrical neckline and billows into a beautiful fishtail hem. Aqua Fantasy Ariel is First in the Series of Disney Collector Dolls launched with the premiere of the film. Each Film Premiere Edition doll is showcased in a fashion and surroundings that capture the glamour of opening night.
Disney Collector Doll - Film Premiere Edition - Aqua Fantasy Ariel is sure to be the treasure of your collection!
Contents: Doll, Certificate of Authenticity, Reply Card, and Doll Stand - Ages 14+
Brand new, NRFB. Box has minor wear.
If this is a multiple quantity listing, the images are representative of the package condition you will receive. However, the box/package condition may vary slightly.
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