Let's get crackin'! This dynamic duo is determined to bring twice the ingenuity and twice the fun to their crime-solving exploits. The animated television series, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, which premiered on March 4, 1989, on The Disney Channel, follows two chipmunks who are part of a secret international organization. The mission? To get to the bottom of oddball crimes and mysteries while taking down villains like Fat Cat. Today, our cheeky chipmunks continue to make a lasting impression on pop culture.
Simulated leather hot-air balloon design complete with wings and a front zip pocket! - Approx. 10'' H x 9'' W (16'' W including wings) x 5'' D - Part of the Disney100 Decades: The 1980s Collection - Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monterey Jack and Zipper screen art - Adjustable padded shoulder straps
Brand new! In mint to near mint condition.
All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment.
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