In a dystopian future, after the fall of the heroes, a new evil rose in Gotham City calling himself Omega. Empowered with the Anti-Life Equation, he reigns supreme over the entire East Coast. Now Omega is rumored to have gained the means to control the mind of every living being on Earth, and it's up to Batman, Wonder Woman, and a band of new heroes to defeat the worst villain ever known and free the world.
• Incredibly detailed 7" scale figures based off the DC Multiverse
• Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
• Omega figure is based on the comic book Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3 (Comic 2020)
• Omega comes with alternate hands and a base
• Figure includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the remaining pieces will assemble Bane from Batman: Last Knight on Earth Earth #2
• Included collectable art card with Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3 (Comic 2020) artwork on the front, and character biography on the back
• Collect all additional Last Knight on Earth Figures to build Bane! Figures sold separately.
McFarlane Toys - DC - 2021 - Ages 12+ - Made in China
Brand new, NRFB. From a clean, non-smoking environment. We ship fast and pack with care at We-R-Toys!