This nostalgic reproduction of the 1960 Busy Gal fashion features Barbie doll as a brunette with the curled bangs, ponytail, and wearing the fabulous red and white fashion ensemble. The Busy Gal fashion consists of a red and white striped blouse, red jacket with matching striped lining, and a knee-length tailored red skirt. An adorable little black hat with matching red and white striped lining sits atop Barbie doll's hair. Vintage face painting adds to the doll's nostalgic essence.
Original 1960 Fashion and Doll Reproduction - Limited Edition - Barbie Collectibles
Contents: Doll, Jacket, Skirt, Bodyblouse, Hat, Belt, Open-toe Heels, Glasses, Portfolio, 2 Sheets of Illustrations, Doll Stand, Reply Card - For the adult collector, age 14 and up.
Brand new, NRFB. Boxes have minor wear.
If this is a multiple quantity listing, the images are representative of the package condition you will receive. However, the box/package condition may vary slightly.
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