In the Disney animated fantasy film The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pumpkin King Jack Skellington is the mischievous master of ceremonies in Halloween Town. Tired of always scaring people, Jack decides to have Santa Claus kidnapped to bring Christmas to Halloween Town. Beast Kingdom is happy to announce the launch of the The Nightmare Before Christmas classic 3" Mini Egg Attack series, bringing together seven classic characters from this beloved film on six statues: Jack Skellington, Jack's loyal dog Zero, the legendary boogeyman Oogie Boogie, the adorably villainous Vampire Teddy and Toy Duck, Pumpkin King Jack and one of his Skeletal Reindeer. Each character is depicted with exclusive colors and accessories. The whole group together is stunning, and this is definitely a Halloween collectible that can't be missed. Join the masters of mischief and create havoc in Halloween Town today!
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