The 2001 animated classic Monsters Inc. is one of the most cherished releases from Pixar! Beast Kingdom's 'Mini Egg Attack' range of miniature figurines are back with a set of popular characters from the Monster, Inc movie!
Collect Sulley, Bug Eyed Mike, Costumed Boo, Creepy Randall, Bubbly Celia, and Roz! With a total of six characters to collect, each mini figurine is manufactured and painted to the highest standard. - Grab them all and bring some cute, yet scary monsters to a desk near you! - Boo's Door measures approx 3.5" x 4.5" - Beast Kingdom MEA-039 Monsters, Inc. Series - Designed for ages 15 and up
Mini Egg Attack Box has some creasing, bending, and tearing. The perforated flap on the right side has started to come apart. The individual figure boxes are unopened. The Boo figure is missing from the set, and the set includes an extra Sulley figure. This listing also includes Boo's Door.