In Disney's A Wrinkle in Time, Meg Murry embarks on an epic adventure across the universe to find her missing father. Traveling to worlds unknown as she fights against an evil force that threatens to cover the world in darkness, Meg has three celestial beings as her guides. Known as Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit, these three women are powerful warriors made of stardust, each with a special role in Meg's journey.
Mrs. Whatsit is the most youthful and free-spirited, transforming into a magnificent flying creature. Celebrate all the magic of the movie with this doll based on the movie character. The Mrs. Whatsit Doll also features a fully articulated body - perfect for posing!
Mattel - 2017 - For the Adult Collector - Made in Indonesia - Doll Stand and Certificate of Authenticity Included
Brand new, NRFB. Boxes are in mint to near mint condition.
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