Once again Clara's Christmas dream comes to life in one of the world's most beloved ballets, The Nutcracker, written by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Barbie doll as Marzipan, the enchanting ballerina in the Kingdom of Sweets, wears a pink and mint green ballet costume adorned with a tiny pink rosette on each ruffled armlet and at the top of her beautiful bodice. Her skirt consists of delicate layers of glittering pink tulle over mint green tulle. Poised to dance, she wears pink tights and cloth ballet slippers with pretty lace-up ribbons. Barbie doll as Marzipan even has specially sculpted legs to emulate "on-point" ballet positions!
Barbie Collectibles - Collector Edition - Classic Ballet Series
Contents: 11.5" Barbie doll, ballet costume, tights, ballet slippers, hair brush, doll stand, reply card - For ages 3 and up
Brand new, NRFB. Boxes are in mint to near mint condition.
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