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Compare Quick view A Christmas Story I Double Dog Dare Ya Ornament Hallmark Keepsake 2006 A Christmas Story Now: $39.95 Was: Add to Cart No kid in his right mind would turn down a Double Dog Dare the humiliation would be unbearable. So when Flick takes up the dare one cold day at recess, a myth is confirmed and an icy flagpole... PY-7WAJ-JXG9 Now: $39.95 Was: Add to Cart Compare Quick view Qty in Cart: 0 Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Price: Now: $39.95 Was: Subtotal: Add to Cart
Compare Quick view Ralphie’s Pink Nightmare A Christmas Story 2009 Hallmark Ornament A Christmas Story Now: $46.95 Was: Add to Cart "Aunt Clara sends the nicest gifts!" Ralphie couldn't disagree more. What on earth would a fourth-grade boy want with a pink, full-bodied bunny suit? Oh, the indignity of indignities!... UR-TDWB-RAPH Now: $46.95 Was: Add to Cart Compare Quick view Qty in Cart: 0 Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Price: Now: $46.95 Was: Subtotal: Add to Cart